


317L Round Bar

What are 304 round bar?

In general, 304 stainless steel round bars are used in a variety of applications, including aerospace, food and beverage, machinery, architecture, chemicals, and cryogenics. One of the most popular stainless steels on earth is 304 stainless steel, which provides great strength and good corrosion resistance outside of marine and highly acidic environments.

304 Stainless Steel has an excellent forming as well as welding characteristics, and it is suitable for use with all standard welding methods, both with and without filler materials. The 304 Stainless Steel Hollow Bar can be welded using all standard welding techniques. The Stainless Steel Flat Bar can however require a post-weld annealing process if it is heavy welded. This will ensure maximum corrosion resistance to the flat bar.

It must be noted that the 304 SS Flat Bars have been extremely durable in both a wide range of atmospheric environments as well as corrosive media. It has been proven that bars manufactured from grade 304 stainless steel are resistant to potable water containing 200 mg/L chloride at ambient temperatures, when the water is not treated with chlorine. In a temperature setting of 60 degrees Celsius, the corrosion resistance of the 304 stainless steel round bar drops to about 150 mg/L.

I would like to emphasize that the stainless steel 304 round bar has a good oxidation resistance while in intermittent service at a temperature level of 870 °C and when used continuously at 925 °C. There is no need to continuously use stainless steel grade 304 between the temperature range of 425°C – 860°C when it comes to subsequent aqueous corrosion resistance. If you have any applications where the bar is going to be heated to the temperature range mentioned above, then the low carbon content version of the SS 304 Square Bar would be a better option since it would be less likely to precipitate carbide precipitation.

The Grade 304H Stainless Steel Bar is more durable than other steel grades at elevated temperatures due to its higher strength, so it can often be used to contain pressure as well as structural components at temperatures as high as 800°C. In spite of the fact that stainless steel grade 304H will become sensitive between the temperatures range 425 °C and 860 °C, this can result in a reduced resistance to aqueous corrosion, even though this may not be a problem for high temperature applications.

What are the characteristics of 304L round bars?

In Stainless Steel 304L Round Bars, what is the L?

It is said that the 304L Round Bar is a low carbon version of 304 stainless steel grade. The 304L Round Bars are made of 304 grade stainless steel. They come with better weldability properties. It can effectively resist grain boundary precipitation sensitization, which is why they are suitable to be used as-welded as well. Due to the low carbon content of these round bars, they do not have the highest tensile strength nor yield strength. In essence, stainless steel 304L Round Bars are more corrosion resistant, as well as more weldable than stainless steel 304L Square Bars, but they are not as structurally sound as stainless steel 304L Square Bars, which makes them more appropriate for applications that require welding without requiring superior strength properties.

Stainless steel bars made from 304 and 304/L (UNS S30400 and UNS S30403) are austenitic alloys. A 304/L alloy is the most common and most commonly used alloy within the stainless steel family, and it refers to a lower carbon content in order to provide greater corrosion protection during welding. The L in 304/L is referred to as the lowest carbon content in the stainless steel family.

As a matter of fact, it can be categorically said that steel bars are one of the most essential parts of any manufacturing industry, as well as any industry that relies on machineries in the first place. It can be used in a wide range of industries including automotive, textile, fabrication, construction, cement, shipbuilding, paper and pulp, defense, heavy earth moving equipment and aerospace.

As a standard “18/8” stainless steel, Grade 304 is the most widely used and versatile steel, available in a wider range of products, forms, and finishes than all other kinds of stainless steel, so it is the most universal and the most versatile. Due to its excellent forming and welding characteristics, it has the potential to be used in a variety of applications. Due to its balanced austenitic structure, Grade 304 is able to be deeply drawn without intermediate annealing, which is why this grade is commonly used to make drawn stainless parts such as sinks, hollowware and saucepans. There are a number of special “304DDQ” (Deep Drawing Quality) variants of steel that are usually used for these types of applications.

Stainless Steel 304L Flat Bars are heat resistant stainless steel with high resistance to oxidation scaling and high strength at elevated temperatures. It is possible to weld stainless steel 304L Threaded Bars using all of the common welding processes in place. There are many advantages to Stainless Steel 304L Hollow Bars, including their superior creep properties at temperature and their excellent ductility. Stainless Steel 304L Hexagonal Bars are resistant to a wide range of chemicals and environmental influences, as well as oxidation and may be used in continuous service up to 1140 Degree C provided that there are no reducing sulfur gases present in the atmosphere. As an austenitic alloy, stainless steel 304L Triangular Bars are extremely resistant to oxidation under mildly cyclic conditions to 2000° F. Because they contain high amounts of chromium, they offer high corrosion resistance, thus increasing the quality of the bars at high temperatures. The high chromium and nickel content of stainless steel 304L Rods makes it comparable to the austenitic alloys in terms of corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, and strength retention at room temperature, while retaining a greater fraction of its room temperature strength than the austenitic alloys. SS 304L Round Bars are the low carbon version of the alloy and are used for ease of fabrication since they are fabricated from low carbon steel. A high carbon modification has been developed to enhance the creep resistance of 304L Stainless Steel Round Bars.

What is AMS 5647?

As far as stainless steel is concerned, the AMS 5647 is the AMS number assigned to the 304L grade stainless steel. The specification offers exactly the same material as 304L stainless steel, and the properties like corrosion resistance and high weldability are the same for these two grades. In addition to being able to manufacture a wide variety of products, this stainless steel grade can also help you make products that are different in appearance, including bars, wires, forgings, tubing, etc.

There is no magnetic content on the SS 304LRound Bars in their anneal condition, but if they are cold-worked or welded, they might become somewhat magnetic. Annealing is conducted according to standard fabrication procedures, and the material is not magnetic in the annealed condition. It is important to note that the 304L stainless steel round bars are annealed by heating to a temperature above 1037 degrees C for 90 minutes per 25mm thickness. They are then quenched with water or air after the heating process is completed. The corrosion resistance capability of stainless steel 304L round bars can be significantly enhanced by following the annealing process appropriately in order to ensure that it is corrosion resistant.

There are many benefits to 304L stainless steel as a versatile material, but it can also serve as a general purpose stainless steel, as well as a corrosion resistant material for the environment. Dual certified 304L Stainless Steel Bars indicate that the material meets the low carbon limits of the 304L stainless steel, but it is also stronger than the 304 grade stainless steel in strength. Therefore, the dual certified products are able to benefit from both SS grades’ properties.

Mokshi Shah
Mokshi Shah